Balqees Mohammed's Website

Balqees Mohammed's Website
For Everything related to Editing & Writing

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Updating-More to Come Soon

Assalaamu alaikum warahmatAllahi wabarakaatu!!

Welcome all!!'s been so long since I've even visited my own blog. Terrible?? Well, I've just been so overwhelmed and busy with so many other, writing, obgligations, etc.

Hmm...ever hear of a blogger ignoring his/her own blog? Well, there's always a first for everything.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive and kicking...and have lots of articles (a year's worth, in fact) to upload for updating this blog...and hope (pray) to keep it updated more regularly in the upcoming months as well.

sorry for the long absence...and have fun reading the updated articles. Enjoy...learn...explore. And if you have any questions or look for some sort of debate, well, will try to oblige to that as well.
